PPA Agroecological Partner Site: Collections of the PPA Agroecological Sites across the globe. Diversify your local abandoned lots with bioregional native plantings. The PPA Sites Instagram (@PPASites) hosts fundamentals of ecology, assessments, native planting templates, and platforms PPA Sites that tag #ppasites on Instagram to share with likeminded friends!

The Poor Proles Almanac is also partnered with Tomorrow, Today– A Podcast to highlight academic research that is working to make a better future for us all. Tomorrow, Today is a KnaveryInk Production, and hosted by Andy Ciccone and Nash Flynn.

The Gastropocene is a multimedia collaboration between Dr. Ayesha Khan and Andy from the Poor Proles Almanac. They explore the intersections between ecological collapse, climate change, and our diet. The podcast is ripped directly from live talks to a responsive audience on Twitch and as a follow-up to the zine, available on wokescientist.substack.com